Warrior Women

Warrior Women

The strongest members of society and the work they contribute often remains unacknowledged. Ziverny’s DAO members are leading warriors at the forefront of shaping a better future by providing women with resources to advocate for their rights.


Ziverny’s Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), acts as a large network that provides education campaigns and crisis response systems that fight for D.V victims anonymously.

Our warrior women partners combined skills equip domestic violence victims with the physical, psychological and financial tools to reclaim their power.

Please see our current warrior women members below:


Saaniya Mehra – Ziverny’s first warrior woman


Knowledge is Power
Saaniya with the AASHA Kit at the Government Multi Specialty Hospital’s One Stop Center. Chandigarh, India.

Saaniya is the co-founder of ADIRO Labs based in Mumbai. She has worked to develop a kit that collects DNA from victims of sexual assault.

Shocked by the high number of sexual crimes against women in India, she fought for an effective and legally significant solution that revolutionized the collection of DNA evidence.

See below to learn more about Saaniya’s thoughts and insights on the complexities of gender-based violence in India. 

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