
One Voice. One Community



Ziverny wants to create disruptive, impactful change by encouraging our community to actively participate in the movement to eradicate domestic violence in and around us. We not only want our members to sign up to learn the signs of D.V.  and Financial Literacy but also encourage others to actively participate in understanding what it takes to create change from within and in their communities. 

We also want an engaged community who will not only sign the petition but also actively participate in our workshops and events to encourage change impactful and long-lasting change through understanding this disciplined approach to learning how D.V impacts our lives and our community.

Our community once galvanized they will enlist others and their community to participate because to eradicate D.V. We must try to encourage our community to join this concept of adopting CBT practices and reiterative learning because change and self-awareness comes when we are mindful with the knowledge of and identifying harmful elements that impacts our inner peace and our community.

Our idea of growing strong together…

We need our community as much as they need us and only together will we be able to fight social injustice and inequity in this world. We need to have the desire to create a prettier and livable world for us, our women and our future.

Naheed thought she would survive and change her life but just like many thousands of domestic violence victims, she lost her battle and her life…

Please, we implore you, let us change the face this silent killer, and grow stronger together.



 Pandemic might be over, but not the domestic violence abuse. And, to truly make a difference in the fight against domestic violence and other forms of violence, it is important that we involve our people around us in our efforts.

By using creative and engaging ideas, we can bring women together to discuss their situations, educate them on financial empowerment, and provide support system as a means to combat domestic violence. 



Co- founder


Let’s teach ourselves and the children the signs of danger and violence so that we are able to identify and differentiate between passive violence.

Educating our women about various financial involvements and also building a directory of these resources can become a stepping stone towards a meaningful change. 



For any queries, collaborations reach out to us at: hello@ziverny.com