Women Warriors

Women Warriors

Despite the common association of the terms “war” and “warrior” with men, there have been numerous examples of women throughout history who have successfully led resistance movements, showing that women possess the same strength and capability as men. 

It is our belief that traditional aboriginal values of honor, respect, and equality must be upheld.

The Circle of Life encompasses all members of the community, including women to possess all the rights to live and stand for themselves in every circumstances.

Everyone has a tale to tell, but the stories that resonate deeply, broaden our perspectives, and uplift our spirits are particularly powerful and deserve to be shared.

Ziverny brings stories of such women warriors who are doing amazing work in the field of impact and social change.



Saaniya Mehra – Our first woman warrior on Ziverny


Empowering through awareness
Saaniya with AASHA Kit at the One Stop Centre
of Government Multi Specialty Hospital, Chandigarh, India.

Saaniya is the co-founder of ADIRO Labs based in Mumbai, who worked on developing a product to aid in the collection of evidence from victims of sexual assault while she was an undergraduate student.

Concerned about the high number of sexual crimes against women in India, she worked towards a meaningful solution that would revolutionize the collection of DNA evidence in the country.

Here’s Saaniya sharing her thoughts and insights on the complex and often difficult topic of gender-based violence in India. 


For any queries, collaborations reach out to us at: hello@ziverny.com