Sign The Petition

Naheed’s Petition

To disqualify someone from inheriting from the decedent of a domestic abuse situation. Victims of domestic abuse seldom call out their abuser, and, in many circumstances, are unable to voice their concerns. Naheed’s phone showed the level of abuse which led up to her abuser showing no respect, and if the police had been better trained or had stood up to her abuser and stopped him from entering the house, Naheed may still be alive today.

Also, domestic violence in the U.K bill does allow the system to work in this case if applied. We want our community to open an investigation into why the system did not work, from the health care system giving over the control of healthcare decision making to the abuser. The police allowed the abuser to enter the premises when he had violated the strict quarantine lockdown rules in the U.K. The banks and the pension plan fund handed over assets to the abuser where the law clearly disqualifies the abuser. The financial institutions allowed elderly financial abuse to take place against Naheed’s mother where power of attorneys, financial assets along with home were signed over to the abuser.

What Naheed’s Story Tells Us?


  • The lack of awareness about the root causes of domestic and financial abuse is deadly. Financial abuse is a major precursor to physical violence, and there is an urgent need to stop this at the grass root level.  
  • There are laws in place but we do not have fast implementation or awareness of these laws. 
  • We want to push our financial institutions to address the lack of financial literacy courses targeting the communities that need it the most, also addressing societal, and communal sensitivities when creating these courses in multiple languages. We are going to create bite-size messaging for their customers and clients.


  • Why did the police not take action and enforce the strict lock-down rules against the abuser and stop him from entering the house or take preventative action to understand a Domestic Abuse scenario.

What We Want: 


  • We will also demand that U.K. lawmakers conduct an investigation into the circumstance surrounding Naheed’s death, seek justice for the victim and an examination of the several ways in which the system failed her.
  • Join us in asking Nicole Jacobs, U.K Commissioner for Domestic Violence, to investigate the actions of Naheed’s abuser, who broke the strict quarantine lock-down rules in the U.K. and exposed Naheed to covid.
  • To demand her last wishes she texted before she went on the ventilator to be fulfilled and her children rather than her abuser benefiting from her estate.
  • Open up an elderly abuse Investigation against Naheed’s abuser for stealing her parent’s assets, savings, and pension plan.
  • Ask the Trustee of the pension plan company, the banks, and the insurance company why they did not respect Naheed’s last wishes and release her assets to her 4 children rather to her abuser

Sign The Petition


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